A Porn-Free Man is a Free Man (Blog #5)
The sad reality is that, if you’re using porn, you are most likely a slave to it. I know because I was a slave to porn. And although I haven’t used it in over a year, I still sometimes feel like a slave.
Blog #4 : Embracing Rain.
I sit out on the front porch and feel the mist of the pouring rain.
Often, when it rains, you hear people say things like “What a crappy day.” At least that’s what Grandma Izzy used to say every single time it rained. Literally. Like clock work. But I don’t think she truly meant it. Only that she was programmed to think rain = crappy...
Blog #3 : “You want more? They’ll give you more.”
A mushroom told me this once.
I was knee deep in my first solo mushroom ceremony back in 2018. I call it the Bar Mitzvah I never had. I’m jewish but not got to celebrate my “manhood” back when I was 13.
12 years later and I’m only now becoming a man.
Blog #2 : A Puppy & his Piss. A Lesson in Patience.
Piss on my shirt and piss on the rug. A great start to my morning.
Riley is a new puppy. I’m not his father, rather his uncle, but he’s mine to watch over during the weekdays....
Blog #1 : Learning To Father Myself.
Like most men, my father had his issues. Issues that have impacted my family (a blog - or rather, a book - for another day perhaps). He died when I was 9.